PLEASE NOTE: This schedule is being frequently updated; please check back for the final version. Concurrent sessions are open enrollment; no advance sign-up is required.
Preconference Workshop Schedule
Preconference access is included with your ARRPE Conference registration and no additional registration is required to attend.
Looking for more information about each session to plan your conference experience? Please view the conference schedule by day for session abstracts and/or content descriptions.
Day 1 Conference Schedule Day 2 Conference Schedule
Monday, Feb. 24
7-9 a.m. Conference Check-in
A breakfast buffet will be available from 7:30-8:30 a.m.
8:15-8:30 a.m. Opening Remarks | Location: Ballroom ABC
David R. Strauser, Ph.D., president, ARRPE Board of Directors
8:30-9:20 a.m. Keynote Address | Location: Ballroom ABC
Competitive Employment: If Not Now, When? If Not Us, Who?
Paul Wehman, Ph.D., Virginia Commonwealth University
Dr. Paul Wehman will discuss the current status on competitive integrated employment for individuals with the highest support needs and will review progress made, but also why we continue to remain stuck in helping significantly challenged people out of segregated setting and into real work for real pay.
9:30-10:20 a.m. Concurrent Sessions
- Moderated Session: Effective Support for College Students with Disabilities | Location: Ballroom DE
- Mental Health Literacy, Stigma, and Help-Seeking Behavior Among Black Male College Students in Historically Black Universities
Bryan Gere, Ph.D., MBA, CRC, LPGC; Nahal Salimi, Ph.D., CRC
- The Exploration of Campus Climate, Self-Advocacy, and Flourishing among College Students with Disabilities
Dewi Qisti
- Disability Social Inclusion Model and Trauma-Informed Strategies for Refugee-Focused Rehabilitation Service Provision | Location: Percival
Ngonidzashe Mpofu, Ph.D., CCMHC, CRC, NCC
- A Randomized Control Trial to Promote Success among Postsecondary Students with TBI | Location: Verelst
Phillip Rumrill, Ph.D., CRC; Amy Rumrill, M.Ed., CRC; Aundrea Gee, M.Ed., CRC
- Agency in Defining Autism: A Hierarchical Regression Analysis | Location: Vernon
Kaiqi Zhou, Ph.D., CRC, LPC-IT; Sara Park, M.S., CRC, LPC-IT; Sang Qin, Ph.D., CRC
- A toolkit to help your agency with quality self-employment outcomes | Location: Sloane
Michael Frain, Ph.D., CRC
10:20-10:35 a.m. Coffee Break
10:35-11:25 a.m. Concurrent Sessions
- Identification and Vocational Rehabilitation Needs of Persons in Custody | Location: Ballroom DE
Timothy Tansey, Ph.D.; Jaeyoung Kim, Ph.D.; Brian Phillips, Ph.D.; Chelsea Brehmer, Ph.D.; Marcus Weathers; Emily Brinck, Ph.D.; Sara Park
- Unveiling the Complexity: Intersectionality of Disability in Multicultural Rehabilitation | Location: Percival
Chrisann Schiro-Geist, Ph.D.; Xinhua Yu, Ph.D.; Patrick Krolik, Ed.D.
- Employer Perceptions: Practices that Sustain Competitive Employment for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities | Location: Verelst
Robyn L. Lewis, Ph.D.
- Predictors of Rehabilitation Counselors’ Intention to Leave Their Current Employment | Location: Vernon
James T. Herbert, Ph.D.
- A Case Study Responding to State VR Workforce Demands | Location: Sloane
Steve, Zanskas, Ph.D., CRC, LPC (MI & WI)
11:35 a.m.-12:25 p.m. Concurrent Sessions
- Learn the impact of AI-powered outreach and intake on employment opportunities for people with disabilities | Location: Ballroom DE
Andree Dolan
- Investing in Professionals to Improve Transition Outcomes | Location: Percival
Janice Marrero Irizarry; Kathleen Marie Oertle, Ph.D., CRC, LVRC-Utah
- Exploring Demand-Side Perspectives in Hiring People with Psychiatric Disabilities | Location: Verelst
Sang Qin, Ph.D.; Deyu Pan, Ph.D.; Eunjeong Ko; Yongsu Song; Muharrem Koc
- Suicide Prevention at HBCUs: Challenges Faced by Latino/Hispanic Educators | Location: Vernon
Héctor José Velázquez-González, Ph.D., MSS, CRC, B-CTP-II
- Shifting the Narrative: A research project promoting employment for SSI/SSDI applicants | Location: Sloane
Peter Pike, Douglas Alves
12:25-1:45 p.m. Lunch Break
2-2:50 p.m. Invited Speaker | Location: Ballroom ABC
Quality employment throughout the work lifecycle: Beyond short-term employment outcome
Jim S. Krause, Ph.D.; Clara E. Dismuke-Greer, Ph.D.
3-3:50 p.m. Concurrent Sessions
- Moderated Session: Bridging the Gaps for Underserved Groups (1) | Location: Ballroom DE
- Vocational Rehabilitation Needs of Underserved Race and Ethnic Populations: Identification and Approaches
Mark Tucker, Ph.D., CRC; Mari Guillermo, Ed.D., CRC; Leticia Vavasour, M.S., CRC
- Care Issues Related to Transgender and Gender Diverse Individuals with Dementia
Ryan Avery Langston, B.S., M.A.; Kristina Henderson, Ph.D., CRC, LPC, CVE
- Rehabilitation Counseling with Members of the LGBTQ+ Community
Marty Holin, Ph.D., LPCC; Aundrea Gee, M.Ed., CRC
- Empowering Rehabilitation: Training Counselors with VR and AI Avatars in Employer Engagement for Disability Inclusion | Location: Percival
Margaret K. Glenn, Ed.D., CRC
- Rehabilitation counselors culturally responsive training: Feelings, fears and wishes | Location: Verelst
Alexandra Kriofske Mainella, Ph.D., CRC
- Four paws grounded in evidence: researching the service dog intervention | Location: Vernon
K. Lynn Pierce, Ph.D., CRC, LPC, ACS
- Needs Assessment Determining Competencies for Interprofessional, Intra University Training for Transition Professionals | Location: Sloane
Tameika Minor, Ph.D.
3-5 p.m. ARRPE Recruitment Events | Location: Ballroom ABC
A variety of recruiters will be onsite to share information on available faculty positions, postdoctoral fellowships and doctoral programs.
RECRUITERS/VENDORS: Applications are still being accepted! If you are interested in joining us as a recruiter, please contact ARRPE at
4-4:50 p.m. Concurrent Sessions
- Moderated Session: Integrating Trauma-Informed Approach in Rehabilitation Counseling Practices | Location: Ballroom DE
- Infusing a Trauma Informed Care Approach through the Vocational Rehabilitation Process
Sandy Conder, M.Ed., MRC, CRC; Christina Espinosa, MRC, CRC; Deborah Minton, M.Ed., CRC
- Creating Inclusive Trauma-Informed Workplaces: Implications for Rehabilitation Practitioners
Kristen Dahl, LPCC, MCHES; Lynn C. Koch, Ph.D., CRC
- Exercise as Medicine: Key Considerations in Psychophysical Activities for Youth with Autism | Location: Percival
Jonathan Drummond, M.S., M.A., Ph.D. candidate, AES
- A Person-Centered Intervention for Connecting Students with Significant Support Needs to Employment | Location: Verelst
Jessica Awsumb, Ph.D.; Leah Burgess, ACRE; Justine Hrvatin, M.S.Ed., M.A.T.
- Subminimum Wage to Competitive Integrated Employment (SWTCIE) The Illinois Model | Location: Vernon
Aletha Alexander, M.S.; Sharon Bergfeld, M.A.; Christina Irland, M.A.; Jim Knauf; Kyle Menke
- Work-Specific Factors Influencing Employment Status Among Cancer Survivors: A Bayesian Analysis | Location: Sloane
Hannah Fry, Ph.D.
5-6:30 p.m. Poster Reception | Location: Harborside Ballroom
Appetizers and bar available.
View the list of this year's posters
Tuesday, Feb. 25
7-9 a.m. Conference Check-in
A breakfast buffet will be available from 7:30-8:30 a.m.
8:30-9:20 a.m. Invited Speaker | Location: Ballroom ABC
Individual Placement and Support for Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Bob Drake, M.D., Ph.D.; Ana Florence, Ph.D.
Employment benefits adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in many ways, yet unemployment remains high. This report describes Individual Placement and Support (IPS), an evidence-based model that improves employment outcomes in diverse populations.
9:30-10:20 a.m. Concurrent Sessions
- Moderated Session: Bridging the Gaps for Underserved Groups (2) | Location: Ballroom DE
- Effectively Serving Vocational Rehabilitation Consumers who have Justice System Involvement
Phillip Rumrill, Ph.D., CRC; Chelsea Brehmer, Ph.D.
- Workplace Accommodations for Older Adults - Current Trends and Attitudes
Patrina Wong
- Supporting Independent Living Goals for People with Disabilities: A Focus on Pregnancy
Hannah Fry, Ph.D.; Constance Richard, Ph.D.; Alexandra Kriofske Mainella, Ph.D.; Xiaolei Tang, Ph.D.
- Disability Underrepresentation in Apprenticeships: Can We Fix This? Implementing an Apprenticeship Toolkit | Location: Percival
Stuart Rumrill, Ph.D.; Bryan S. Austin, Ph.D., LPC (Idaho), CRC, CVE; James Knauf
- Impact of Technical Assistance on Employment Specialist Skills and CIE Outcomes | Location: Verelst
Whitney Ham, Ph.D., BCBA, M.S., CRC; Jennifer McDonough, M.S., CRC; Alissa Brooke, M.S., CRC
- American Indians and Alaska Natives in Vocational Rehabilitation Programs: A Scoping Review | Location: Vernon
Elizabeth A. Boland, Ph.D., CRC; Jamie M. Emanuel, MS, CRC; Michele S. Lee, Ph.D.
- The Perfect World: VR, DS, CIL Collaborations to Move Disabled Students into Quality Employment | Location: Sloane
Jenifer Montag, Ed.D.
10:20-10:35 a.m. Coffee Break
10:35-11:25 a.m. Concurrent Sessions
- Moderated Session: Enhancing Support for Mental Health | Location: Ballroom DE
- School, Work, and Services Experiences of Black Young Adults Living with Mental Health Conditions
Yemi Akinola, Ph.D.
- Impact of First Episode Psychosis on Transition-age Youth in the Career Path
Eunjeong Ko
- Addressing Bias in Practice: A Conceptual Clinical Judgment Model for Rehabilitation Counseling | Location: Percival
Bryan S. Austin, Ph.D., LPC (Idaho), CRC, CVE
- Real-World Outcomes in Neurobehavioral Disorders: Unlocking the Power of Ecological Momentary Assessment | Location: Verelst
Alex W. K. Wong, Ph.D., CRC
- Vocational Rehabilitation Services and Employment Outcomes for Foster Care Youth with Disabilities | Location: Sloane
David R. Strauser, Ph.D.; Judy Havilcek, Ph.D.; Michele Schutz, Ph.D.
11:35 a.m.-12:25 p.m. Concurrent Sessions
- Disability Adjustment Counseling: Qualitative Analysis of Rehabilitation Counselors Perspectives and Experience | Location: Ballroom DE
Constance Richard, Ph.D., CRC; Hannah Fry, Ph.D., CRC; Malachy Bishop, Ph.D.; Sara Park; Brigette Young; Samantha Foster
- Self-Compassion: Buffering the Impact of Disability | Location: Percival
Alexandra Kriofske Mainella, Ph.D.
- Effectiveness of Assistive Technology Provided by Blind Field Services: A Longitudinal Study | Location: Verelst
Abbas Quamar, Ph.D., CRC; Elizabeth A. Boland, Ph.D., CRC
- Integrating Artificial Intelligence into Bereavement Counseling: Strategies for Coping with Loss | Location: Vernon
Elaine Mora, M.S., LPC-A, LCDC-I, NCC
- Publishing Rehabilitation Research in Rehabilitation Research, Policy and Education | Location: Sloane
David R. Strauser, Ph.D.; Alex W. K. Wong, Ph.D., CRC; Deidre O'Sullivan, Ph.D.
12:25-1:45 p.m. Lunch Break
2-2:50 p.m. Concurrent Sessions
- Work life expectancy among those with SCI: Employment throughout the work lifecycle | Location: Ballroom DE
Clara E. Dismuke-Greer, Ph.D.; James Krause, Ph.D.
- The RETAIN Kentucky Model: Strategies for Helping Workers with Disabilities Maintain Employment | Location: Percival
Kimberly Wickert, MRC, CRC, CVE; Phillip Rumrill, Ph.D., CRC
- Interagency Collaboration in VR: A Look at One State’s Project Data to Help Drive Real Change | Location: Verelst
David George Strauser, Ph.D.; Bryan S. Austin, Ph.D., LPC (Idaho), CRC, CVE; Chun-Lung Lee, Ph.D.; John F. Kosciulek, Ph.D.; Stuart Rumrill, Ph.D., LPC, CRC
- Grief, Loss, and Traumatic Brain Injury: An Unexpected Consequence | Location: Vernon
Aundrea Gee, M.Ed., CRC; Marty Holin, Ph.D., LPCC (New Mexico Counseling)
- The Role of Social Support in Psychosocial Adjustment and Return to Work Following Spinal Cord Injury | Location: Sloane
Ada Chen, Ph.D., MPH, CRC, CVE; John O’Neill, Ph.D.
3-3:50 p.m. Concurrent Sessions
- Employment Accommodation Experiences among Workers with Multiple Sclerosis: A Mixed-Method Analysis | Location: Percival
Malachy Bishop, Ph.D., Sara Park, Eunjeong Ko, Muharrem Koc, Kaiqi Zhou, Ph.D., Phillip Rumrill, Ph.D.
- Functioning Mediates the Relationship Between Trauma and Work Outcomes for PWD | Location: Verelst
Chelsea Brehmer, Ph.D.; Deirdre O’Sullivan, Ph.D.; David Strauser, Ph.D.; Brian Phillips, Ph.D.
- Policy Initiatives in High Performing States that Facilitate Quality Employment Outcomes | Location: Vernon
Lauren Avellone, Ph.D.; Jennifer McDonough, M.S, CRC
- Facilitating Adjustment to Physical Disabilities through Gestalt Therapy in Rehabilitation Counseling | Location: Sloane
Gabriela Rangel
4-4:50 p.m. Concurrent Sessions
- Current and Future Hot Topics and Scientific Methods in Rehabilitation Research | Location: Ballroom DE
Stuart Rumrill, Ph.D., LPC, CRC; Bradley McDaniels, Ph.D., CRC; Phillip Rumrill, Ph.D.
- Emotion Regulation Intervention for Student Veterans: A Pilot Study | Location: Percival
Heekyung Lee, Ph.D.
- Implementing Customized Training Programs Utilizing a Toolkit | Location: Verelst
Sandy Conder, M.Ed., MRC, CRC; Christina Espinosa, MRC, CRC; Deborah Minton, MRC, CRC
- Empowering Veterans Through Accessible Vocational Rehabilitation | Location: Vernon
Matthew Sprong, Ph.D., CRC, LPC (PA), LCPC (IL), CADC (IL), CLCP, CVE
- Applying the Illinois Model to Wage Loss Analysis | Location: Sloane
David R. Strauser, Ph.D.
5-6:30 p.m. ARRPE Awards Reception | Location: Harborside Ballroom
Appetizers and bar available.
Day 1 Conference Schedule Day 2 Conference Schedule