Invited Speaker: James Krause, Ph.D.

James S. Krause, Ph.D. is a distinguished university professor in the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) College of Health Professions (CHP) and is the director of the Center for Rehabilitation Research in Neurologic Conditions. He obtained his doctorate in counseling psychology from the Department of Psychology at the University of Minnesota in 1990 and spent 13 years at the Shepherd Center in Atlanta, Georgia, prior to spending the last 22+ years at MUSC. He has served as principal investigator on multiple longitudinal studies funded by the National Institute for Disability Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), including the study of quality employment throughout the work lifecycle after spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, and stroke (NIDILRR 90DPEM0006). He has authored nearly 300 articles in peer-reviewed journals, a substantial number of which have focused on employment outcomes throughout the work lifecycle and the relationship of employment with key outcomes, including longevity. Krause has received several prestigious research awards, including two awards from the American Rehabilitation Counseling Association Research Award on employment outcomes for outstanding manuscript in the previous year (1993, 2010); the National Medtronic Courage Award (2011); and, most recently, in 2023, he was honored with the South Carolina Governor’s Award for Excellence in Scientific Research, given annually to one outstanding investigator in the state, across all scientific fields and research institutions. The highlights of his career include having been mentored by Dr. Nancy M. Crewe, one of the founders of rehabilitation psychology, and by Dr. Lloyd Lofquist and René Dawis, developers of the theory of work adjustment; collaborations with outstanding members of the research community, which include Phil Rumrill, Fong Chan and Paul Wehman; working with an outstanding team of people; and having the steadfast support of nearly 8000 research participants with lived experience with disability.

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